Aurorix Club

The next generation of the Winx! Meet the daughters of Bloom, Stella, Flora, Musa and Tecna and get to know the five girls that make up Aurorix Club!


Leia is the fierce and loyal daughter of Bloom and Sky. She is the leader of the group as well as the most powerful. She is the Princess and heir to the throne of both Eraklyon and Domino. Leia can be very stubborn, and tends to get into fights with Mayu over the littlest of things. She is also very insecure about her magical abilities.

Full Bio here:

Planet: Eraklyon
Birthday: March 28
Fairy Sign: Phoenix
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Nickname: Lei, Snips
Power: Dragon Flame
Siblings: None
Boyfriend: Caleb
Strengths: Fire, Heat
Weaknesses: Water, Ice
Colors: Blues, Greens,and Oranges
Pixie: Keira


Mayu is the bubbly, fashion-obsessed daughter of Stella and Brandon. She is co-leader of the group. She has a twin brother, Sterling. She is the Princess of Solaria, and acts more like a princess than Leia. Although they have ridiculous fights, her best friend is Leia. She is deathly afraid of heights when not in fairy form and bees.

Full Bio here:

Planet: Solaria
Birthday: August 7
Fairy Sign: Mermaid
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Nickname: Mai, Sunshine
Power: Sun And Moon
Siblings: Sterling (Twin)
Boyfriend: Mason
Strengths: Sun, Moon, Stars, Fashion
Weaknesses: Darkness, Heights, Bees
Colors: Pinks, Golds, and Silvers
Pet: KiraKira
Pixie: Tsubasa


Hana is the shy and quiet eldest daughter of Flora and Helia. She is the peace-maker of the group. She has a younger sister named Ivy. Around her friends, she is outgoing and sweet. She trys to keep Mayu and Leia from fighting about little things, but tends to try and stay out of it.

Full Bio here:

Planet: Linphea
Birthday: June 12
Fairy Sign: Chimera
Hair: Brown with Black tips
Eyes: Green
Nickname: Flower Child (occasionally)
Power: Nature
Siblings: Ivy
Boyfriend: Sterling
Strengths: Nature, Peace
Weaknesses: Fire, Storms, Destruction
Colors: Pinks, Purples and Greens
Pet: Ahiru
Pixie: Violet


Kazuko is the stubborn, serious yet loyal daughter of Musa and Riven. She tends to be a loner and is only close with the rest of the girls. She is also competitive, and is extremely competitive with Leia and Mayu. She has the most combat training out of all of the girls as well.                                                                                                       

Full Bio here:
Planet: Melody
Birthday: July 22
Fairy Sign: Hippogriff
Hair: Dark blue with magenta bangs
Eyes: Dark Blue
Nickname: Ninja
Power: Music
Siblings: None
Boyfriend: None
Strengths: Music, Sound, combat
Weaknesses: Silence
Colors: Dark Purples, Dark Blues and Black
Pet: Spiky
Pixie: Kotone
Cam is the smart and careful daughter of Tecna and Timmy. She is the brains of the group and like Hana, a peace-maker. She is usually calm, but can become very snappy and angry when she is annoyed. She is also naive to anything not technological.
Planet: Zenith
Birthday: August 31
Fairy Sign: Unicorn
Hair: Light Brown
Eyes: Teal
Nickname: Cam, Camera
Power: Technology
Siblings: None
Boyfriend: None
Strengths: Technology, Electricity, neatness
Weaknesses: Storms, No tech., messy things
Colors: Silvers, Electric Blues, Purples
Pet: Chu
Pixie: Cyber